Asia Expo Embraces ScrubAir


We recently crossed almost 8,000 miles of land and sea from our home base in Chicago to Hong Kong, where we represented Illinois and ScrubAir at the 10th annual Eco Expo Asia. The opportunity brought us closer to an evolving market in China—focused now more than ever on revamping hazardous, waste-producing businesses.
Currently, most large Chinese cities operate at a air pollution level that reaches almost 50 times higher than what’s safe, according to the World Health Organization. Aside from the obvious environmental and human safety risks in abundance, a slowing Chinese economy also is looking for ways to appeal to a world where  rigid regulations are increasingly governing international partnerships.

Hong Kong is a worldly trade and transport hub that links Asia to the global market, and vice versa. The expo was a great opportunity to introduce ScrubAir to a large market in desperate need of quality air pollution control products aimed at combating hazardous workplace and environmental conditions.IMG_4190
We met briefly with Leung Chun-ying, Hong Kong’s Chief Executive in charge of most legislative affairs in the semi-autonomous city-state. It was apparent to us that Hong Kong and greater China realize the immediate concern for industrial reform, and environmental education on a macro level. We met with dozens of potential clients and partner eager to explore our emissions annihilating systems, with the intent of reducing waste and increasing profits. It was encouraging to see proof that productive change was present in the minds and in the buying and producing powers that fuel the Asian market machine.

Now back under the clear skies of Chicagoland, it’s important we move forward with plans to pursue relationships in China. We’re confident that ScrubAir can make a lasting difference in a place that needs the expert help to bring positive change to a place that so desperately needs it.